Implementation to your project

1. Add BP_MW_MenuWheelComponent to your Player Controller.

2. Initialize Menu Wheel Component.

3. Get proper button and bind it to your desired functionality. Buttons are diffrenciated by tags, so you can be sure that you bind function to correct one.

4. Bind Show/Hide Menu function. By default MenuVisibility is set to key TAB, can be edited in Plugin/Inputs folder.



Easy to implement and customize radial menu plugin. Plugin contain features : Auto calculation, Adjustable starting position, Mouse position correction and more...

Can be used in Multiplayer Project

UE Marketplace Product Link

Radial Menu

Radial Menu



This section will shortly describe all important classes, as well as their public interface.


Component contain all functionalities, you can adjust all settings in Defaults Panel.

IntStarting Position
BoolAuto Calculate DistanceIf set to true, position will be calculated automatically to fit the wheel, if not can be adjusted manually
FloatCustom Distance Between ButtonsCustom distance
FloatPosition CorrectionDepends of the button type you may want to adjust the position to fit the best spot.
BoolConstruct Separators
BoolCenter Mouse PositionMouse should be centered each time menu is opened?
EnumMenu Wheel PositionMenu should appear in the center of viewport or under the mouse cursor?


Questions and answers

Important Notes


Inventory system in this project are only for presentation purpose

Product compatible with UE 5.0 +

Product design structure may change in time as i grow as developer and decide to remake the project, but the core idea will not change, just implementation