Implementation to your project
1. Add BPAC_GatheringComponent to place of your choice (Character or PlayerState).
2. Add Interface (BPI_GetMesh) to your character class and pass skeletal mesh to get Pawn Mesh function. To add Interface you have to select ClassSettings and in right DetailsPanel find Interfaces tab.

3. Add Interface (BPI_GetComponents) to your Character Class and to Player Controller! and pass GatheringComponent to GetGatheringComponent function. Inside project i commented those functions if you find it is problematic how to pass component.

4. Add DT_Gathering_System_GameplayTags to Project Settings/GameplayTags/Gameplay Tag Table List.

5. If you have your own character with AnimationBlueprint copy AnimNotifies from the ABP connected to DemoCharacter into your AnimationBP.

6. In BPAC_GatheringComponent in Animations tab be sure to set up correct socket to attach the tool. This socket should match the socket in your SkeletalMesh position to which attach the tool.